The Design & Illustration classroom is located on the first floor of the Hannaford Career Center main campus building in room A117.

This year's Artistic Environment Ground Rules:

Keep Things Tidy

Be Aware of Sound Levels

Stay Out of the Zone

Constructive Feedback & Collaboration

POSITIVITY & Encouragement

Creative Freedom


Access to Snacks & Fluids

Space to Spread Out

Open Access to Supplies & Resources

Earn up to 6 college credits through Community College of Vermont and Burlington College while you complete your D & I coursework!


The coursework at the Career Center emphasizes creativity, innovation and communication in the analysis and visualization of ideas and information through print, screen and interactive multi-media technologies. [bibcite www.dab.uts.edu.au/viscom/welcome.html]

The year focuses around the following art disciplines: drawing, printmaking/color, typography/text as art, and portfolio. Throughout the year, students apply what they have learned to graphic design problems. Each student gets his/her own computer and user account.

Prerequisites: 10 credits on transcript. One semester of either Visual Communications or Basic Art/Art I.

Recommended Preparation: Capable of using computers and digital technology. Desirable Qualifications: Creative, enjoys using traditional art materials in addition to computers, curious.

Related careers: graphic designer, commercial artist, illustrator, studio artist, fashion designer, desktop publisher, advertising/marketing specialist, photographer.

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